Booth 5534 continued... July 10, 2012 10:32
More merchandise pictures!
I've always wanted to bring mugs to the Con, and this year that dream comes true! These are heavy, so I'll not bring a lot. But I'll bring about a hundred and see what happens.
That's the Morgan mug on the left. Morgan is a character I'll add to Kiskaloo this year. And yes, he runs a diner.
Ogo buttons. They glow in the dark. As all buttons should.
See? I always have the urge to hold them against the end of my nose. But that's just me.
Dream Catcher print, color by Christina Strain.
Party Witches print, color by Christina as well!
Finally, all the free buttons available at my booth. I'll have some free Ogo tattoos as well, and I'll post them tonight. One button is offered every day. The little square one is for preview night.