New drawing Thursday July 19, 2012 10:29

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who came by my booth in San Diego - you're the reason I come down every year.  Well, that and the colorful margaritas I reward myself with every night.

Anyway, I need to be better about using this Blog, so in a valiant first attempt, I'll post this.

I spent the Comic Con telling people they should always have a little bit of story in their drawings.  I think that's good advice.  So this year I'll try and do just that.

Now that I look at it, this girl needs some shoe laces blowing in the wind.  And I need to fix her collar.  I'll get on that tonight.

Oh, and in an Ogo mug update, the new batch is ordered and should be finished before the end of the month.  We're setting up the store for on-line sales so as soon as the mugs arrive we can get them out.  As for other things in the store, we tend to sell a lot of the stuff we bring to San Diego.  But we have more Sketchbook 1X, about 15 of the Morgan mugs, and we'll start making art prints as well.  More on that later.